I've Been BRUCED!!


I received a surprise package in the mail yesterday, and the story is too good not to share.

 Back in high school Kim and Bruce Boyd double dated with me and my kids dad. They were the first to get married and then stood in our wedding. Great friends, fun memories!!

In 2003, Bruce was tragically killed in a motorcycle accident leaving Kim to raise 2 beautiful children. Bruce passed on a Sat. and Kim and the kids were in church the next day. As she sat in the seat, the pastor started talking about how he never saw Bruce without a smile. Not knowing Kim would even be there nor the impact the gesture would have on their healing, the pastor distributed smiley face stickers to each of the members as part of the memorial. And, there the it began.

The first Christmas after losing Bruce, the Boyd's woke to a 9 foot smiley face with a Santa hat in their front yard. Kim and the kids were overwhelmed with joy and  wanted that encouragement to continue in Bruce's' honor. Each year they elect someone each year who needs the encouragement of a friend and a smile on their face....
and this year it was me.

This sweet family understand loss and how hard the loss of Nathan has been on our whole family this year, the first year. To have such a personal gesture from such a treasured friend brings me to tears each time I think of it, but through a contagious smile. You can't help but smile when you see a bright yellow smiling Santa! LOL

So, here I sit the very first Christmas morning without my son. Reflective, sad, and missing him deeply, but now inspired to dream of how to launch an encouraging movement in honor of Nate. The blue bird has been my connection to him. Little did I know until just looking it up, but bluebirds symbolize hope,
happiness, springtime and love. It has also referenced faith and good fortune. This could be the beginning of something really powerful!
Kim has now remarried a wonderful man who helps her and the kids carry out this tradition each year, and she is never seen without a smile on her face.


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