Blissful denial..

I keep reading about the stages of grief and how natural they are. Honestly,  I'm kind of ok right here in denial. I dip in and out of the reality of this story and it feels safer right now experiencing it in third person.  I know I will eventually get to the reality that this is a first person story...but not today. My body finally broke down, so thats about as real as I want to get.

Nathan's dad and I decided to donate his organs and tissues to Life Gift. It somehow brought comfort to know that others could benefit from our loss. I was finally ready to open the package today and read the report that was given after the extraction process. Nathans whole eyes were able to be saved and shared. He had the most beautiful vibrant eyes when he was happy. My prayer is that whoever receives this gift from us will see the world with the same vibrance.  I was sad to see that his heart couldn't be saved. But I will be joyful about the other.

I am convinced that organ donation is the most selfless,  life giving thing we can do. Im definitely going to be an organ donor. Thats a great lesson. Ill take that as a win today.


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