The journey begins...

I shared life for 9 months with a precious life as it grew miraculously in my womb. I loved the miracle that I was helping God create and enjoyed every new experience along the journey of my pregnancy.  On October 26, 1989 God gave me Nathan Randall Johnson to borrow for a season and on April 12, 2013 at the age of 23 Nathan took his own life.

Today is the 22nd day of my 9 month journey from pain to peace. As much as I treasured and soaked in the miracle of his life growing inside of me is as awake and aware I want to be as I travel through the grief of learning a new life without him here. I know grief does not have a deadline, but my commitment is to dedicate the first 9 months of my sons death to discover the story within me that I had prayed so hard would be Nathans. I wanted desperately for him to have a victory story and defeat his anguish, so I feel it is the least I can do to be the voice of his victory. Nate, we will have a victory story and the lasting memories that others who are and those who will be are going to be from the core of who you are and not how you chose to leave this earth. I  love you so much my precious boy. But Mary treasured up all these things and pondered them in her heart.


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