From the mouth of babes

In this journey to peace and learning my new normal without Nathan, I was faced with the realization that I will never experience grandchildren from my son. Among so many others, that thought devastated me. Within a day, God reminded me just how much love is woven into the fabric of this family. And the precision of his message came directly from the mouth of babes. So God.

Eleven years ago I was gifted 3 sons when I married the love of my life. With this gift has now come three beautiful granddaughters.  Today I opened an unexpected package from our oldest granddaughter and was given a whole new insight to a previous despair. Her innocent and sweet condolence for my losing Nathan was like a warm blanket that could only be straight from the heart of the Great Comforter. I have a new daily reminder from her special handmade gift and loving hand written note that peace from this pain is possible.

It is a sobering reality that I will not have grandbabies to share with Nathan. But I do have three precious girls who I can adore and make memories with and I will have the joy of experiencing grandchildren with my two beautiful daughters. And between our other 2 sons, who knows how many babies are in our future!

This will NEVER replace the huge hole that has been left by losing my only son and everything that a future with him entailed, however today I know God gave me with my whole family for just a time as this. Im blessed. And today was a good day. I love you, Jane.

Thank you Father for carrying me until I'm strong enough to walk. I praise you in the midst of this storm and am so grateful that you continue to surround me with exactly what need to take each next step toward peace. I believe in your promise.  In Jesus precious and holy name, amen.


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